NOP 10.31.19 Charles

Kitt Peak Nightly Observing Program Splendors of the Universe on YOUR Night! Many pictures are links to larger versions. Click here for the “Best images of the OTOP” Gallery and more information. Little Dipper Constellation Ursa Minor is colloquially known in the US as the Little Dipper, because its seven brightest stars seem to form... Continue Reading →

31 October NOP with Fred

Kitt Peak Nightly Observing Program Splendors of the Universe on YOUR Night! Many pictures are links to larger versions. Click here for the “Best images of the OTOP” Gallery and more information. M13 Hercules Globular M13, the "Great Globular Cluster in Hercules" was first discovered by Edmund Halley in 1714, and later catalogued by Charles... Continue Reading →

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